
Principles of the work

The aim of addiction prevention is to strengthen the individual skills of children, young people and adults and to positively influence their life contexts.ÜSPF's measures and services are based on the generally recognized quality criteria of addiction prevention:

-early start and long-term implementation

substance- and target group-specific orientation

-evidence-based and sustainably effective approaches

-Interdepartmental cooperation

-Continuous quality assurance

Tasks and services

As contact and service points in the field of addiction prevention, the ÜSPF fulfill a variety of functions:

- Initiating, monitoring and evaluating addiction prevention and health promotion measures and projects

- Promoting processes to strengthen social, emotional, mental and physical resources

- Raising public awareness and providing information

- establishing and supporting networking

- Training and professional support for multipliers

- Participation in state tasks in accordance with the objectives of the Brandenburg State Addiction Conference

Target groups

The measures and projects of the ÜSPF are aimed at children and young people, teachers and educational professionals, multipliers and parents, and take place in daycare centers and schools, open child and youth work facilities, educational institutions, companies and public institutions.

School-based addiction prevention

Schools are an important setting for reaching children and young people with addiction prevention measures. Against this background, BLS e.V., together with the supra-regional addiction prevention centers, has developed a document to present the principles of successful and effective addiction prevention in the context of schools and to provide recommendations for the implementation of addiction prevention measures.